Credit Repair

Rebuild your personal credit today, and begin building business credit tomorrow. Don't let your past rob your future.

Build your personal credit to secure and build your business credit to really secure the bag. Did you know that it is easier to obtain a $100,000 in credit than it is to save $100,000. Don't allow your past to slow down your future. Let us help you re-build your credit and strengthen your credit profile. Building a near perfect score and profile shouldn't only be about buying a home or car, but securing assets that can pay you and your family forever. MFIVE and Associates are committed to helping you get the job done. We have been helping our clients build their credit for over 10 years now.

We Help Everyday People Get Their Credit Repaired

MFIVE & Associates have helped thousands of everyday people just like you get their financial life back. We specialize in exceptional credit restoration, by being dedicated to our customers and leveraging the laws that govern the credit reporting industry.We will sit down with you and review your credit report, and run a preliminary analysis of your credit history.

Based on this information we will dispute, and challenge any errors along with any other inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, and unverifiable information. As we remove these inaccurate and unverifiable accounts from your credit report, we will also guide you thru the process of building positive credit to increase your Credit score. This process is now streamlined to help you achieve maximum results as quickly as possible.

We are here to assist you on the journey


Our mission is to empower our communities by providing education and financial resources so that we can all become financially independent.


During the credit restoration process, we will provide you with information information and the education you need to continue rising your credit score.


We are highly dedicated to ensuring you attain the highest credit score possible, and will work on your case for inaccurate information on credit reports.

Are You Looking to Create or Update Your Credit Repair Plan?

Contact us today and we'll get you connected with one of our MFIVE & Associates who can help you build your Credit Repair Plan!

    Credit Repair FAQs

    MFIVE & Associates Credit’s monitoring service allows you to track changes in your credit report and score. We send you real time alerts so you instantly know when changes have been made to your credit report.

    Having a good credit score can open up opportunities for – loan approvals, insurance premiums, personal loans and credit cards. Having continuous insight into your credit can help you with your financial goals while saving you time and money.

    Yes, checking your credit report annually is always a good idea, but having year-round access to your credit score and monitoring alerts is even more important.

    A credit monitoring service acts not only as a personal assistant but as a bodyguard for your credit report (if you are NOT on the list you are NOT getting in without someone being notified). Our credit monitoring service allows you to track your credit report and credit score changes. When a change occurs to either, you are immediately alerted and can quickly review the information, confirm that it’s correct and then decide what action, if any, to take.